24 days ago 66 by diamantis Identity UnemployedEmployed Name of Beneficiary-Parent * VAT number of Beneficiary-Parent * Beneficiary Parent's Tax Office * Beneficiary's social security number - parent * Name of Child 1 * Date of Birth of Child 1 * Child's Social Security Number 1 * Child's full name 2 Date of Birth of Child 2 Child's Social Security Number 2 Child's full name 3 Child's Social Security Number 3 Date of Birth of Child 3 Διεύθυνση Κατοικίας * Area * POSTAL CODE * House telephone * Work telephone Mobile 1* Mobile 2 Email * Camp Period 15 days Α’ Period 16/06 – 30/06Β’ Period 02/07 – 16/07Γ’ Period 17/07 – 31/07Δ’ Period 31/07 – 14/08E’ Period 14/08 – 28/08 I am over 16 years old. I have read, understood and accept the privacy policy of the company ''CHILDREN'S CAMPS KOSTANTINEIS S.A.''