Children are distributed in the houses by age and by gender (age limits strictly observed).

Children aged 6-12 years live in a separate area, follow a different program of activities and are fed at other times by older children, aged 13-16 years.

Sports, cultural activities as well as evening entertainment
differ significantly at each age.

Because the program of sports and cultural activities is different at each age and the coexistence of different ages in the same group usually causes problems, such as the time of their participation in a sport or even and lack of interest in a sporting, cultural and recreational activity which is adapted to a different age and so on.

Each child participates in the sea bath at least 2 times a week.
The sections are shaped according to age and gender. His participation is optional from the second week of his hospitality onwards.

Lifeguard Coverage Pool and Sea is performed by experienced Lifeguards specializing in each Sector separately.

For the pool:

Upon the arrival of the campers, after primarily checking with criteria their health and their swimming skills by the Specialists, they are divided into 3 sections as follows:
Beginners (up to 0.80 m.): Include those who do not have basic sailing skills as with the use of life jackets and other aids gradually learn to swim.
Medium (up to 1.60 m.): Are classified those who have either the ability to sail or swim and gradually develop in the context of learning to swim.
Advanced (up to 2.20 m): are classified as the most experienced, ie those who have the ability to sail and swim at the same time and can make controlled dives under the supervision of experienced lifeguards.

Arrival times at the camp are from 08:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. until 20:00 p.m. on the start date of each camping season.

The Parent, whether he / she is the beneficiary of the free OAED program, or is Insured in a Fund or an Employee in one of the other Collaborating Institutions, must have completed and signed only himself, the required documents of each Institution on a case by case basis, as defined in Instructions for completing the required forms in the “REQUIRED DOCUMENTS – FORMS”.

Attention: The MEDICAL BULLETIN is completed only by the Pediatrician or the Pathologist and not by the Parent.

The visit is only every Saturday and hours 17:00 pm- 20:00 pm.

In case of a visit on any other day and time, the parent should obtain the relevant approval from the Secretariat of the Camp, after contacting it.

Telephone contact hours at the secretariat are only 08:00 am- 14:00 am and 17:00 pm- 20:00 pm.

There are 7 prepaid phones in the camp area and the parents have the sole responsibility for the supply of calling cards.

Upon arrival of the child at the camp, the parent comes in direct contact with the team leader or community leader and may receive a contact telephone only in case of emergency.

Mobile phones without a camera are allowed.

The parent-guardian has the exclusive responsibility of receiving his child from the Camp site, either temporarily or permanently, after first signing the relevant exit permits at the Secretariat and submitting the forms required by his Institution on a case-by-case basis, upon presentation by his Police Identity card or Passport or other identity document.

Any third party other than the legal guardian, can pick up a child, presenting to the secretariat of the camp the relevant authorization of the parent – guardian with his original signature from the competent Service (to download the form click here) as well as the required documents of each , as defined above.

Sheets (2 pairs), pillow, pillowcase (x2), blanket (one pique and one woolen) or sleeping bag, underwear, pajamas, clothes (summer and overalls or sweatshirts), swimwear (at least 2), shoes (definitely sports), flip flops, hat, towels (face, swimming pool and sea bath), bathrobe, shampoo, shower gel, toothbrush – toothpaste, sunscreen, mosquito spray, anti-lice lotion (for prevention), comb, bag for the.

Optional: pool cap and goggles, armrests, flashlight, board games, books, musical instruments, mobile phone (attention without camera).

The rules of the camp do not allow the use of the above items while prohibiting the use of mobile devices with a camera. There is also a safe deposit box at the camp secretariat.

In case of loss of any kind the camp bears absolutely no responsibility except in the case of safekeeping of money in the secretariat (only money is kept in the secretariat).

The rules of the camp prohibit the entry of food into its premises, because it observes the rules of food hygiene as required, and any kind of food due to high temperature can be immediately spoiled and cause food poisoning to the child. It is noted that in case of illegal entry into the house they will be temporarily confiscated by those in charge and will be returned to the parent.

Preventive Medicine is performed at the Camp Clinic as only first aid is provided. In case of need to transport a child to the nearest on-duty hospital upon the doctor’s advice and the parent’s information, he is transported by ambulance with the consent of the guardian and picked up at the hospital by himself or transferred directly by the guardian.

Every child must present to the secretariat of the camp on arrival, his medical card (to download the form click here) completed only by his Pediatrician or Physician.

In case of receiving any medication or the existence of any allergy or other problem, the doctor-guardian of the camp doctor must be informed as well as any medication must be delivered to the Clinic upon the arrival of the camper. It is PROHIBITED the entry of any medicine in the house.

There is a possibility of storing the special food in any case in the kitchen area and the parent has the obligation to deliver them to the person in charge upon the arrival of the child at the camp.